Most importantly, we will not feel sorry for ourselves. We will eventually forget about that time that Kaden wasn't growing fast enough, but for now, we will be scared, we will be grateful, we will be brave, and we most certainly will get through this chapter in our book together.

i.) To increase in bulk or stature to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, as a plant to flourish as, young cattle. i.) To prosper in any business to have increase or success. We will manage the reflux that is causing him to spit up too much, and we will adjust feeding schedules and formula to water ratios. i.) To prosper by industry, economy, and good management of property to increase in goods and estate as, a farmer thrives by good husbandry. While we want our little guy to be undeninably thriving, we are fortunate that we have great doctors around us and this is all we are dealing with. And those children’s parents worlds ARE crumbling around them right now. See, Kaden is not in eminent danger, but other children are. I certainly wish life would hand out reminders that don’t impact my children, but I needed the reminder that it’s not okay to take things for granted. It might sound weird to say out loud, but I needed this reminder. In fact, since that appointment, he has already gained 3.5 ounces and our doctor is satisfied (more like thrilled) with his progress just by making a few minor adjustments. We are certainly not out of the woods yet, and we have a lot more work to do, but we are on the right track now. But, they are now distant memories and I have faith that this will be, too. I had to remind myself on my way home that we have faced fears related to our kids before, and those issues at the time made us feel like the world was crumbling around us. But I know no so deep down inside she was panicked, too and that made me hurt more. She knew I still had a long drive ahead of me and the last thing I needed was panic. But I have known her since we were 12 and I knew she felt like I felt and just wanted to break down - together. She put on a brave face (voice) and said she was fine and she tried to sound convincing. I have the best wife in the world, and she tried her best to shield me from those feelings. We are professionalising our approach to public need through the revised framework, shaping our response, through the journey to outcomes and closure.

The fear and concern was trumped only by the shame of being 4.5 hours away while Danielle faced the doctor to hear those words on her own. THRIVE is designed so we jointly assess risk and decision making in a consistent way using the National Decision Model. Danielle shared the feedback with me while in between meetings, and I am not sure there have ever been more jarring words hit my ears. Kaden has maintained a weight below his birth weight and the doctor classified him as “failing to thrive”.

That is until Danielle took him to his 1-month check-up and first appointment flying solo due to me traveling for a work meeting. Aside from him spitting up quite a bit, which is not uncommon, we have really been finding our stride and feeling good about where we were. Additionally, I have received a lot of hate mail (joking) after admitting that since about two weeks old, he has been sleeping 7, 8, 9 hours every night. Over the past few weeks we have received an outpouring of love, support, and congratulations regarding the birth of our third child, and first boy, Kaden James. Treatment should go beyond nutritional rehabilitation in the hospital and should include practical, supportive help for the mother together with measures to improve the level of stimulation and the quality of interpersonal relationships for the child.Those are words I have heard before and while I understand the practical meaning of them, I have never heard them be used in this context and I have never been so afraid of them. Although the majority of these children eventually show catch-up growth, long-term follow-up studies show a high incidence of emotional and cognitive problems. The condition can occur in all social classes but is more common in situations of poverty, poor marital relationships, chaotic family lifestyle and when there is a history of deprivation in the parents' own childhood. There is no typical profile of the parent whose child develops non-organic failure to thrive. It has not been resolved as to whether the condition is due to a lack of stimulation or to deprivation of calories, although both these factors, as well as a contribution from the child in some cases, are likely to be responsible. Non-organic failure to thrive is a clinical diagnosis which should be considered in parallel with other causes of failure to thrive in infants.